Male Breast Surgery

    1. Pectoral Implant

    Many men find that they are unable to develop their pectoral muscles even with a regular exercise regimen. The chest may also be under-developed due to a congenital defect or injury. The pectoral implant procedure helps to correct the look of the chest by placing a solid yet soft implant below the existing pectoral muscle.  The pectoral implants are pliable yet firm to give the feel of a well exercised pectoral muscle. Implants are available in many sizes so that the surgeon and patient can choose an implant during the pre-operative visit that will best fit the contour and compliment the rest of the patient's body. Single implants can be used for reconstructive purposes.
    Pectoral implants come is various sizes, shapes and textures and are made of solid silicone. These implants are used primarily as an enhancement device. During your consultation, your surgeon will show you the options and help you make an informed decision with which size and shape of an implant would best suit your needs.

    The Male Pectoral Implant Procedure

    Pectoral implants are placed through an incision under the arm secured between the two chest muscles, the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles an incision is made high in the armpit and a pocket is made beneath the chest muscle and on top of the ribs.
    The Pectoral implant surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes between 1 1/2 to 2 hours. You can expect moderate pain for the first two days and the results are instant.

    About the Procedure and Recovery Time:

    A soft, solid silicone implant is cut to specifically fit each patient and inserted into the pocket. A very small dressing is placed under the arms and the patient can typically see the change immediately after surgery.

    Post-Operative Care

    During the recovery period, the patient is instructed not to lift their arms for two days after surgery. Dressings are then removed followed by a gentle exercise program within 1-2 weeks to enable a full and comfortable range of motion of the arms. Generally within a week or two, physical use of the upper body muscles may be resumed and within one month, full pectoral muscular activity may be recommenced.
    The time off is about 5-7 days, depending upon your individual needs.  For those who are required to do physical labor, the time off is about 3 weeks. You also should elevate your upper chest area with at least 2 large pillows when you are both awake and when you are sleeping.  Normally, you may return to exercise and other activities after 6 weeks.  Don't immediately return to your weight lifting routine.  Ease back into it.  If you do not take care it could cause hemorrhaging, implant shifting or worse.

    2. Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)

     Gynecomastia, or male breast reduction, seeks to address a condition that exists, in varying degrees, in almost half of all men. While the surgery may be performed on men of any age, it is discouraged for those who suffer from obesity, as well as for men who drink alcohol excessively and/or smoke marijuana. Gynecomastia extracts excess fat and tissue from the breast to produce a flatter, more "masculine" chest.

    The Operation

    The surgeon may perform the procedure using a scalpel, liposuction, or a combination of the two. In the first technique, an incision is made, typically in the underarcolar. The surgeon then extracts surplus tissue and fat from the chest region and stitches the incision. If, however, the gynecomastia is to remove mostly fatty tissue, then the surgeon may opt for liposuction. This technique involves using a slim hollow tube (a cannula) to sweep through the layers of the chest, breaking up the fat and suctioning it away. Once the fat and tissue are removed, the surgeon stitches up the incision and trims away any excess skin. These procedures last one to two hours and are typically performed on an outpatient basis.

    Post-Operative Care

     Following surgery, the incisions are dressed and the chest is wrapped in an elastic bandage. A small tube is sometimes used to drain away excess fluids. The surgeon generally removes the stitches in seven to fourteen days, while the bandage stays on for up to a month. Patients can generally return to work in two weeks time.


::: Male Breast Surgery




$4,500  Pectoral Implant ,
$1,800  Gyneco Mastia

Surgery  Length

3-4    hours.

Side Effects         


Recovery Period

Back to work: 10 to 14 days. More strenuous activity: 4 weeks or more. Bruising: 2 to 3 weeks.

Stay in Hospital  

1   day

Stay in Thailand

7 days (Gynecomastia),
10-14 day (Pectoral implant)

















Before Surgery

After Surgery




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